Nottinghamshire Police is encouraging local communities to help shape local policing in their area by taking part in its new neighbourhood policing priority survey.
The results of the survey will help neighbourhood policing teams to better understand 'what matters' most to the communities they serve, as well as enabling them to focus their efforts on designated neighbourhood priorities within each area.
As Nottinghamshire Police continues to invest in neighbourhood policing, the survey will enable local teams to focus on more of 'what matters' as more officers are recruited and proactive policing teams are introduced across the county.
Please provide your full home postcode in the first box below. This will help us see if we have a fair response across the area and help look at results by district or town area.
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What is GOOD about the local area where you live?
What is GOOD about the local area where you live?
In general how SAFE do you feel in your local area? (Skip if unsure)
What are the main issues affecting you in your community? (Select up to 5)
Please select a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 5.
Are there any OTHER policing issues affecting you in your community which are not listed above?
Are there any OTHER policing issues affecting you in your community which are not listed above?
From the issues selected, please indicate which is affecting you the MOST?
From the issues selected, please indicate which is affecting you the MOST?
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Taking everything into account, HOW GOOD A JOB do you think the police IN YOUR AREA are doing
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Complete Survey